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TodoMVC with HTMX and Hyperscript - Part 1

13 min read

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    Ryan Dsouza
  • Senior Software Engineer at Shell Recharge Solutions


Iā€™ve recently started dabbling with HTMX and Hyperscript and Iā€™m really in awe of its ease of use. You can think of HTMX as a Server Rendered app where you send just HTML back to the browser where HTMX handles that using API calls. It can be best described as shown on the HTMX page:

motivation behind creating HTMX


What we generally follow when creating webapps is as follows:

  • Create an API
  • Call the API via fetch or any query management tool
  • Send data in the form of JSON
  • Construct HTML with that JSON

HTMX simplifies the step by removing the JSON part which would look like this:

  • Create an API
  • Use HTMX attributes to call APIā€™s directly (via AJAX)
  • Send the updated HTML directly

Creating a Todo app

For those who want to follow along, you can clone and run this repo locally. The CSS has been taken directly from a sample TODOMVC app and is in the public folder.

Listing todos

Letā€™s start by creating an array that holds a list of todos. We will be keeping the todos in-memory for now and in a later post, weā€™ll look at connecting this to a database like DynamoDB.

import { z } from 'zod';
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

export const TodoSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string().uuid().default(uuidv4()),
  text: z.string().min(1, 'Content is required!'),
  completed: z.boolean().default(false),

export type Todo = z.infer<typeof TodoSchema>;

const db: schemas.Todo[] = [
  { id: uuidv4(), text: 'Learn HTMX', completed: false },
  { id: uuidv4(), text: 'Learn Vim', completed: true },

Here we are using Zod to create a Todo schema so that we have compile-time and runtime validation. We require three fields:

  • id: A string but automatically is defaulted to a UUID
  • text: Also a string but it shouldnā€™t be empty and Zod here handles the validation
  • completed: A boolean value and defaulted to false as newly created todos will always be marked as ā€œNot Doneā€

I have added a couple of Todos to my liking to be displayed once we start our server. Letā€™s also create an HTML Layout that will be sent on page load.

Personally, I love components and JSX is simply amazing! It helps us write components in a type-safe manner instead of using a template like EJS or Handlebars. We will be using KitaJS HTML which helps us write JSX without React and renders as a string which we can directly send back to the client. How cool is that šŸ˜ƒ

Hereā€™s the Base HTML component that we will be sending:

export function BaseHtml({ children }: html.PropsWithChildren) {
  return `<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Express + HTMX</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/index.css" />
    <script src="/static/[email protected]"></script>
    <script src="/static/[email protected]"></script>
    htmx.config.globalViewTransitions = true;
    htmx.config.useTemplateFragments = true;

This is a basic template where we import HTMX, Hyperscript, and some CSS. We will be passing in some HTML as part of the children prop here like the list of todos from our db variable. Our base HTML in our main endpoint will look like this:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  const FilterTodosSchema = z.object({
    filter: z
      .enum(['all', 'active', 'completed'])
      .transform((val) => (val ? val : 'all')),

  const { filter } = FilterTodosSchema.parse(req.query);

  const main = (
          <section class="todoapp">
            <header class="header">
              <h1>todos + HTMX</h1>
                placeholder="What needs to be done?"
            <footer class="footer">
              <span class="todo-count" />
              <ul class="filters">
                  <a href="/" class={clsx({ selected: filter === 'all' })}>
                    class={clsx({ selected: filter === 'active' })}
                    class={clsx({ selected: filter === 'completed' })}
              <button class="clear-completed">Clear completed</button>
          <footer class="info">
            <p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
              Created by <a href="">ryandsouza</a>
              Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a>


The above is a basic skeleton in which we will be adding HTMX directives to to perform CRUD operations on our todos. We send this via res.send from Express.

Now letā€™s create an API that will be consumed by HTMX to return this list:

export const FilterTodosSchema = z.object({
  filter: z
    .enum(['all', 'active', 'completed'])
    .transform((filter) => (filter ? filter : 'all')),

app.get('/todos', (req, res) => {
  const { filter } = FilterTodosSchema.parse(req.query);

  switch (filter) {
    case 'all':
      return res.send(
          <TodoList todos={db} />
          <TodoCount count={remainingTodoCount} />
    case 'active': {
      const todos = db.filter((todo) => !todo.completed);
      return res.send(
          <TodoList todos={todos} />
          <TodoCount count={remainingTodoCount} />
    case 'completed': {
      const todos = db.filter((todo) => todo.completed);
      return res.send(
          <TodoList todos={todos} />
          <TodoCount count={remainingTodoCount} />

Here we create a /todos endpoint that accepts a filter in the form of active, completed, or all. We use Zod here so that if a filter isnā€™t passed, we default to all. The logic is a simple switch case where we just filter the todos based on the completed boolean. Thereā€™s also a <TodoList /> component that we return here. This is the power of HTMX, we can just return HTML that will be displayed where we want it to šŸ˜ƒ

import { clsx } from 'clsx';

export function TodoList({ todos }: { todos: Todo[] }) {
  const allTodosDone = todos.every((todo) => todo.completed);

  return (
    <section class="main">
      <label for="toggle-all" />
      <ul class="todo-list">
        { => (
          <TodoItem todo={todo} />

export function TodoItem({ todo }: { todo: Todo }) {
  return (
        completed: todo.completed,
        editing: false,
      <div class="view">
        <input class="toggle" type="checkbox" checked={todo.completed} />
        <label safe>{todo.text}</label>
        <button class="destroy" />
      <input class="edit" name="todoText" value={todo.text} />

export function TodoCount({ count }: { count: number }) {
  const todoText = count === 1 ? 'todo' : 'todos';

  return (
      <strong>{count}</strong> {todoText} left

In the above snippet, we create have three components:

  • A TodoList component that accepts a list of todos as props coming from our /todos API
  • A TodoItem component that will render each individual todo with some classes applied. We are using clsx here for easy readability and simplicity of adding multiple classes
  • A TodoCount component that displays the count of remaining todos

Letā€™s modify the / endpoint to sprinkle in some HTMX directives and fetch our todos with the count in the footer:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  export const FilterTodosSchema = z.object({
    filter: z
      .enum(['all', 'active', 'completed'])
      .transform((filter) => (filter ? filter : 'all')),

  const { filter } = FilterTodosSchema.parse(req.query);

  const main = (
      > of the HTML/JSX


Here, we add some hx directives that and hereā€™s what they do:

  • hx-get: This makes a GET request to our Express API we defined above and passes the filter from the URL
  • hx-trigger: We set the trigger to load which means this API will automatically be called on page load
  • hx-target: Where do we want to put the returned HTML. This is in an element with the class named header. You can use CSS selectors as I have here
  • hx-swap: Where exactly should the element be put in the target. afterend means that this will be appended after the .header element i.e. as a sibling. Here is a list of options for hx-swap

The todo list is displayed correctly, but we can see that the count isnā€™t:

the todo count is placed incorrectly

To fix this, we need to perform an Out Of Band (OOB) update. Which means that we need to tell HTMX that apply this HTML to another place in the markup. The way we do this is by adding the hx-swap-oob attribute as follows:

export function TodoCount({ count }: { count: number }) {
  const todoText = count === 1 ? 'todo' : 'todos';

  return (
    <span hx-swap-oob="innerHTML:#todo-count">
      <strong>{count}</strong> {todoText} left

This will tell HTMX to replace this component in the innerHTML of the element that has the ID todo-count. Now we can see that the todos are displayed correctly šŸŽ‰

the todo count is placed in the correct position

Adding a todo

Letā€™s now add a todo. We already have this input in our body:

  placeholder="What needs to be done?"

Letā€™s spice this up with a todo creation endpoint and some HTMX directives.

We need a POST request this time to create a new todo as we will be passing the input text to the endpoint:

const TodoSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string().uuid().default(uuidv4()),
  text: z.string().min(1, 'Content is required!'),
  completed: z.boolean().default(false),
});'/todo', (req, res) => {
  const todo = TodoSchema.parse(req.body);

  res.send(<TodoItem todo={todo} />);

What we do here is parse the request body with Zod and return a new <TodoItem/> with the newly created todo. We will use some HTMX directives on the input making sure that this new todo is appended to the correct place like this:

  placeholder="What needs to be done?"

Hereā€™s what each of these directives do:

  • hx-post: Send a POST request to the /todo endpoint and pass the value from the input field. How does HTMX know what should the name of the field be? Simple! It looks at the name attribute on the input element and automatically sends to the endpoint along with the value
  • hx-trigger: This is a special one. We want to submit when the user presses the Enter key. HTMX uses the browser native keyup event and we specify that only trigger the API when the key code matches the Enter key, which is 13 in this case
  • hx-target: We want to add this to the .todo-list section so we specify that here
  • hx-swap: We want to append this new todo at the end of the list, so we use beforeend here

Once, this is implemented, youā€™ll see the new todo added! This looks so simple and clean! But notice that we have a minor problem:

todo input isn't cleared after submitting a new todo

The text in the input is not cleared after the new todo is created. Hereā€™s where Hyperscript comes into the picture. Letā€™s see how HTMX and Hyperscript provide us with a simple solution to this:

To clear the input field, we can use Hyperscript which we added as a script in our base HTML. Hyperscript provides a special HTML attribute as an underscore where we can add some human-readable client side logic without writing JavaScript. Letā€™s see how we can clear the input field after a new todo is added:

  placeholder="What needs to be done?"
  _="on htmx:afterOnLoad set target.value to ''"

The final _ attribute is just what we need! This reads as: ā€œSet the current elementā€™s value to an empty string after the htmx:afterOnLoad event i.e. after the the new response has been addedā€. HTMX provides us with a custom set of events and we can directly reference them in our client side code. Hyperscript makes us write readable client side logic for which we would have to write JavaScript in a separate script tag. This is whatā€™s so cool about combining HTMX and Hyperscript. You never need to write your own custom JavaScript for operations like these šŸ™‚

Deleting a todo

Deleting a todo is also easy. We have the x button here that we use to delete a todo:

todo delete button on the right side of the text

Again, we need to use HTMX attributes on the delete button to remove that todo:

  hx-target="closest li"

Letā€™s see what the HTMX attributes mean:

  • hx-post: Perform a POST request on the /todos/:id endpoint
  • hx-target: Match the closest <li /> tag, which is the entire todo
  • hx-swap: Use outerHTML to replace the entire <li /> tag

And hereā€™s the corresponding endpoint:`/todos/:id`, (req, res) => {
  const TodoOperationParamsSchema = z.object({ id: z.string() });
  const params = TodoOperationParamsSchema.parse(req.params);

  const todoIndex = db.findIndex((val) => ===;
  if (todoIndex !== -1) {
    db.splice(todoIndex, 1);
  const remainingTodoCount = fetchRemainingTodoCount();

  res.send(<TodoCount count={remainingTodoCount} />);

What we do above is return nothing for the closest <li /> tag so that it is deleted and just return the <TodoCount /> with the updated footer count of remaining todos. This makes sure that our todo is deleted and the count in the footer is updated correctly.

Toggling a todo

This is similar to adding a todo but instead of a text field, we have a checkbox. Repeating, letā€™s add some HTMX attributes:

  hx-target="closest li"

Hereā€™s how it works:

  • hx-post: Perform a POST request to the /todos/toggle/:id passing in the ID of the todo
  • hx-target: Again, letā€™s select the closest <li /> which contains the entire todo
  • hx-swap: Use outerHTML again to replace the entire todo

The corresponding endpoint would look like:'/todos/toggle/:id', (req, res) => {
  const TodoOperationParamsSchema = z.object({ id: z.string() });
  const todo = db.find((val) => ===;

  if (todo) {
    todo.completed = !todo.completed;
    const remainingTodoCount = fetchRemainingTodoCount();

        <TodoItem todo={todo} />
        <TodoCount count={remainingTodoCount} />

In the above snippet, we find the todo by ID and if it exists, we toggle the completed property and return the updated <TodoItem /> and <TodoCount>.

This is how it would look like with the checked item and updated count in the footer:

toggling a todo updates the checkbox and footer count

Updating a todo

This is something that requires client side JavaScript so that we can perform operations like:

  • Double clicking a todo text replaces it with an input element with the todo text to update
  • Pressing the Enter key updates the todo text
  • Pressing the Escape key aborts the editing

We will again write use Hyperscript to perform the above operations easily and submit the updated todo text using HTMX. This is how the toggle would look like in the <TodoItem /> component:

export function TodoItem({ todo }: { todo: Todo }) {
  return (
        completed: todo.completed,
        editing: false,
      <div class="view">
          hx-target="closest li"
        <label safe _="on dblclick add .editing to the closest parent <li/>">
          hx-target="closest li"
        _="on keyup[key is 'Escape'] remove .editing from the closest parent <li/>"
        hx-target="closest li"

Letā€™s break the Hyperscript attributes down first:

The _ attribute on the <label /> element says that on the native double-click event, add a class named editing to the parent <li /> tag. This makes sure that editing is turned on and we see an input box with out todo filled out like this:

show the input element with the todo text on double click

Then on the <input /> field with the name attribute set to todoText, we add another Hyperscript _ attribute which says that if the Escape key is pressed, remove the editing class from the parent <li /> and return it back to the normal state. See how easy to read this is compared to writing custom JavaScript šŸ˜ƒ

On the same <input /> element, we add HTMX attributes to update the todo. Hereā€™s what they do:

  • hx-put: Perform a PUT request on /todos/:id passing in the ID of the todo
  • hx-trigger: This endpoint should only be called when the Enter key is pressed (key code 13)
  • hx-target: Update the closest <li /> which is the <TodoItem /> component
  • hx-swap: Use outerHTML to update the entire todo

The endpoint for the above will look like this:

app.put('/todos/:id', (req, res) => {
  const EditTodoSchema = z.object({
    todoText: z.string().trim(),
  const TodoOperationParamsSchema = z.object({ id: z.string() });

  const { todoText } = EditTodoSchema.parse(req.body);
  const params = TodoOperationParamsSchema.parse(req.params);

  const todo = db.find((val) => ===;
  if (todo) {
    todo.text = todoText;
    res.send(<TodoItem todo={todo} />);

In the above snippet, we get the ID of the todo from the params and HTMX automatically sends the edited text in the todoText field as that was the name of our <input /> element. We then update the todo text and send the <TodoItem /> with the updated todo. Notice here we donā€™t need to update the footer count as weā€™re not toggling the completion status on the todo. HTMX makes things simple to think and implement.


Yay! We completed CRUD for our Todo app šŸŽ‰

Thinking in HTMX requires a paradigm shift from frameworks like React, Vue and itā€™s fun when you can directly return HTML back to the browser (the OG SSR way) by not sacrificing the benefits of JSX! HTMX directives mixed with a pinch of custom JS via Hyperscript makes web dev fun again! Hereā€™s the repo again for the above code: HTMX TodoMVC.

I hope you liked the post, follow me on Twitter: @ryands17 for where I will continue posting about this series. The next part will include a persistent database like DynamoDB so that the todos arenā€™t lost on server restart. Happy HTMXing šŸ˜ƒ